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History and Marriage  .

History and marriage.

Here I will list significant dates and topics related to marriage. Two barriers preventing fornication and adultery in the past were venereal disease (VD) and the fear of pregnancy. Five dates and topics therefore united into a new Era for humanity,

1) The discovery of antibiotics and drugs to cure STD or VD, which led to an increase in promiscuity as the fear of sexually transmitted diseases decreased,

2) The advent of contraception, that greatly reduced fear of pregnancy.

3) The introduction of lax morality about abortion.

4) The introduction into schools of so called "Sex Education Lessons" which some would argue did not help to prevent sex before marriage, it increased it.

5) The social acceptance of women becoming unwed mothers, and the taking away of the stigma of rearing illegitimate children. One staggering statistic is that in present day France 60% of the children were born out of wedlock. This massively affects national economies, who keep the unwed mothers and their children.

NEW ERA. 1940's to 1970's.

1) 1941 ANTIBIOTICS - The first large-scale production of penicillin began in the United States during World War II, around 1941. However, the discovery of penicillin occurred in 1928. 

2) 1960 CONTRACEPTIVES - The first oral contraceptive, Enovid, was manufactured by G.D. Searle and Company and sold in the United States in 1960. The pill was introduced in the UK in the early 1960s. It is important to recognise the significance of changing to the use of progesterone in "The Pill" that destroys fertilised eggs.

3)  1973 INCREASE IN ABORTIONS - in 1973 The Roe v. Wade decision in the USA legalised abortion nationwide in the USA with knock-on effects worldwide.

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