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The purpose of this About page is to point out teachings that are correct on this website, but incorrect in most churches, bible websites, bible YouTube Channels, etc. I do not think I must deal with issues here like the Holy Trinity, as most churches get this right.


1) Secret Doctrine churches.

Far too many so called pastors and elders create a church set up that openly and clearly deals only with a few fundamental issues of the Faith, like the gospel, virgin birth, Holy Trinity, etc, then proceed to milk the congregation dry of their cash, often adding the teaching of tithing (an old covent teaching). You have to drag their other teachings out of them, as they are incompetent, and the church is half baked. Anyone simply asking for their clear teachings on issues can be heavily persecuted, as it threatens to expose the fake ministries in the church, and the cash flow, which is often their number one priority. If this was a right practiced, when you think about it, almost anyone could claim to be a pastor, with a minimal set of beliefs, expounding almost nothing, just "edifying" people with encouraging comments. Whereas the scripture says pastor and elders must be apt to teach, and make a full proof of their ministry. The result can often be a church full of people adulterously remarried, whose children join the army, and in effect they become "secret doctrine cults". False pastors who create these secret doctrine cults who isolate the congregation in this way invite the judgement of God upon them as they are incorrectable. The result is an undisciplined church, seething with sin, where the objective for the pastor is simply financial profit, and one that fulfils the persecution "he that departs from iniquity makes himself a prey".

You will notice that here on this website I give teachings on almost all topics relating to "The Faith once delivered unto the saints" and the church of God, and if it is not here it will be on one of my many other websites.  

2) Works of the flesh.

You simply cannot get it wrong on certain subjects, and these include the fundamental tenets of the Christian Faith, like Trinity, the virgin birth, the resurrection etc, and issues relating to "the works of the flesh" (Gal 5:19-21) where damnation is clearly promised to those who teach or practice error. 


1) The (so called) Right Reverend Dr David Jenkins: Served from 1984 to 1994. was a theologian and cleric who was known as the "unbelieving bishop" after he said he didn't believe in the virgin birth or resurrection. After he professed this in public ball lightning descended from the sky, and at 1.56 a.m. on Monday July 9th 1984 the South Transept roof of York Minster suddenly burst into flames, and was totally destroyed before the Fire Brigade could do anything about it. This was where the David Jenkins was consecrated as a bishop. For such beliefs his damnation is sure.

2) Adultery and murder are "works of the flesh" and adulterous second marriages and bombing cities in wars both constitute this. A teacher simply cannot get it wrong about the works of the flesh, or he is a heretic.

3) Heresy.

Heresy is doctrine that contradicts fundamental new covenant bible beliefs, and is centred on God and the bible, not religious figures like the Catholic Pope, or the Titular Head of Orthodoxy, or a so called "General Superintendent" of Evangelical churches like Elim. If it was a case of new Christians getting things wrong, that is a topic of sanctification, but suborn ignorant elders and Pastors are different. The fundamentals of the Faith, and works of the flesh, are topics that fall into this category, but whether issues like men having long hair, women not covering their heads in church, or wearing make up, or eating black puddings deserve the word "heresy" rather than perceived "error" is debated, as heresy would involve possible discipline like cutting off from communion, or disfellowshipping. Galatian 5:19-21 says you will go to Hell for unrepentant heresy.

However this obvious definition is opposed with a cunning sophism in many Evangelical, Protestant, Anabaptist churches, etc. The sophism is "A heretic is a division causer, and you are therefore the heretic if you make a stand and divide the church over error" negating their own responsibility as the cause of the division by getting things wrong. Pastors are extremely egotistical, and if they make mistakes will almost never simply admit it and repent. Believe it or not there are plenty of people so determined to stay in a church that functions for them as a religious social club, that they will convince themselves this sophism is true, and 5, 10, 20, 30 years later  you can return to such churches and the place is still seething with error and heresy in the pastors and elders themselves where no stand against these things has been made.

“But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.” 2 Peter 2:1.

3) Churches full of adultery.

Allowing divorce and remarriage is a big money maker for wayward churches. To prove this, the Roman Catholic religion has been losing so many people to Protestant churches who were allowing unbiblical remarriage that they have in effect preached a new heresy were almost any marriage can be annulled. Very few pastors will therefore keep to the true meaning of the life long character of marriage. To be honest it is not quite as simple as that, as every person who enters in a shallow way into the vows of marriage has an emotion saturated series of excuses why they think they should be an exception to God's rules, and anything else is harsh and unfair, and many weak willed pastors cave-in under this plethora of manipulations. 

4) Killer Christians.

                   Jesus and bible shares the good news of the gospel,

                             and defends the true bible and the Faith.


This website is made by Snowy, also known as Kenneth McDonald.


It is my belief that the church is largely in Apostasy. The reasons are that most churches are


1) Reading false bibles, written from the wrong Greek. These fake bibles miss out huge amounts of very important scriptures from the new testament, and change literally hundreds of bible verses very badly. 


2) Preach adultery, by changing the bible to allow divorce and remarriage for believers.


3) Justify murder, when the new covenant teachings of Jesus Christ bring new law, that totally forbids killing other people, in a war, by capital punishment, by abortion, euthanasia, or even to defend yourself. This site will totally explain this in detail, and will answer all the hard questions on the subject.


4) Preach false gospels, including 

a) The early rapture false gospel (that replaces 1 Cor 15:1-4 with Rev 14:6-7)

b) The "once saved always saved no matter what you do" antinomianist style false gospel.

c)  The false gospel that includes physical baptism as part of actual salvation (priestcraft) see 1 Cor 1:17

d) Incomplete gospels that miss out the resurrection of Jesus as part of actual salvation.


and many other false gospels that will be listed later.


4) Are ecumenical, that is unite with false churches as if they are all part of the "body of Christ" together.

5) Deny heresy as a threat to the soul

6) Incorrectable pastors, who put pride above purity, and refuse to change their beliefs because their image is more important to them than the truth is. They would rather drag everyone around them into Hell than do what Jesus said, "learn to be the servant of all" which requires them to have (as the hymn says) "a humble, thankful heart" which would make it easy for them to be corrected. This especially applies to Petecostal churches, where the pastor's kudos is not centred in the image of an easy to correct man of God's Word, who is the servant of all, but rather someone so "in the Spirit" he seems to thinks he is infallible, and anyone correcting him therefore "makes himself a prey" and will receive mud pies for his trouble, not thanks or gratitude.

7) Church leaders who love money.


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